Here you will find used gravity die casting machines, gravity pouring machines and tilting casting machines for the processing of aluminium and brass alloys from established manufacturers such as Kurtz, FILL, LPM, Gauss, IMR and Vihorlat. In some cases, the gravity casting machines are already fully automated with metal dosing devices, casting robots and casting removal devices or portal removal devices and melting and holding furnaces.
What does the foundry industry use a used gravity die casting machine for?
The permanent mould casting process is a continuous moulding process. The filling of the casting mould (chill mould) and the solidification of the metal takes place under the effect of gravity. The foundry industry distinguishes between full moulds, mixed moulds (moulds with sand cores) and half moulds (lower part as mould and upper part made of sand). Permanent mould casting is used especially for medium to large production series. The size and number of pieces of the desired component determine whether production using the permanent mould casting process is economical. In addition to simple geometries, such as cuboids or bushes, complicated geometries can also be produced in permanent mould casting through the use of mould slides, inserts and sand cores.
Various casting processes for the use of the gravity die casting machine:
Gravity casting: Used for aluminium and brass alloys in gravity die casting. The foundry takes advantage of the rapid solidification of the casting via the metallic chill mould with its uniform fine microstructure. This has an optimal effect on the casting properties and further processing.
Tilting crucible casting: In tilt casting, the pouring side of the mould is tilted at the beginning so that the lowest possible metallostatic pouring height is achieved. The process combines low-turbulence mould filling with favourable conditions for controlled solidification.
Low pressure casting: The low-pressure die casting process is used worldwide. It is mostly used to produce components with high functional and quality requirements, which are mainly used for motor vehicles, mechanical engineering or the electrical industry. The low-pressure die casting process is excellently suited for the production of engine components for cars and trucks. Low-pressure die casting machines are predominantly used for the production of aluminium wheels.
These materials are used in gravity die casting machines:
The gravity die casting process is used to cast all known materials, with particular importance being attached to non-ferrous metals, especially aluminium materials (vehicle castings).
Do you know the advantages of the gravity die casting process?
- Geringerer Platzbedarf gegenüber Sandgussverfahren
- Vollmechanisierung mittels Robotereinsatz möglich
- Glatte Oberflächen durch Formschlichtung
- Stückabhängig hohe Gießleistung
- Porenarmer und dichter Guss im Niederdruckgießverfahren
- Geringe Wanddicken
The gravity die casting process is used in the following industries:
- Automobil
- Maschinenbau
- Textilmaschinen
- Baubeschläge
- Fensterbeschläge
- Armaturen
- Sanitärarmaturen
- Fittings
Fiss-Machines offers you expert knowledge around used gravity die casting machines
Fiss-Machines has been trading in used gravity die casting machines for over 30 years and has already been able to successfully find, broker, install and recommission numerous used machines. Our expertise in buying and selling used machines for the casting industry makes us a sought-after partner for large and small companies.
The used gravity die casting machines are offered as they are for sale by the seller. Depending on the condition and your budget, you will receive a proposal from us for an overhaul or modernisation.
No suitable gravity die casting machine? Please do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks to our contacts in the foundry industry, we can help you quickly or offer you brand-new casting machines and accessories.